This is my flyback converter circuit. Still under testing in breadboard
Flyback Converter? Flyback Converter a one of SMPS topology in non-Linear power supply. Im do this thing for my final project. So, now, im very struggle to finish my final project. (Actually, not so struggle lah. but my SV make me to be struggle because i have no guide. LOL ).
Actually, the application of my project is to build the power supply that can function as a battery charger. So, I hope, the battery charger circuit will work properly as the target plan. Because this semester is my final year, im very worried if my project dont work. Because, i want to grad A.S.A.P.
I just remember the one character in Bollywood film, "3 idiot", when the student project has been rejected by professor Virus. But i very like Pongsuk Wongduu, because his project is very usefull to the society. In that film, pongsook wongduu make "inverter" to convert DC source to AC, where can use in emergency situation.
I hope my final project will succesfull finish, coz after finish this project, i will grade as engineering student and i hope i will be an engineer that can help society to solve the problem
I would like to thank all lecturer and friend who have give little hand and idea to my final project.
p/s: actually this is my first time posting 100% english own writing in my blog. So i hope u can understand my broken english. Thnk for reading.